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Lowri Davies
Lowri Davies’ Welsh heritage is a major source of inspiration. Vibrant illustrations of birds, ‘traditional’ landscapes, floral and fauna adorn her own distinct slip-cast bone china tableware that includes tea sets, vessels and vases. These pieces reference established ceramic tableware such as Nantgarw and Swansea porcelain and ceramic souvenirs.
Mae hunaniaeth Gymreig Lowri Davies yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn ei gwaith. Drwy ddefnyddio clai tseina i gastio gyda slip mae Lowri’n creu jygiau, cwpanau a gwrthrychau sydd yn cael eu haddurno â’i darluniau o flodau, tirlun, cerameg a thacsidermi. Deillia'r gwaith o gyfeiriadau at waith tseina a arddangosir ar ddreser Gymreig ac arsylwadau o waith porslen a chofroddion Cerameg.
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